
Haibin Zhang

I am the Director / Head of the Department of Information Technology at Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang.

Email: bchainzhang at aliyun.com
Or: ucdhbzhang at gmail.com

Short Bio

I am interested in the intersection of distributed systems, applied cryptography, and security.

Previously, I worked as a professor and Teli Youth Fellow at Beijing Institute of Technology, a Chief Research Scientist at Shandong Institute of Blockchain, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (USA), and a postdoctoral researcher for two NSF frontier projects on cloud security: the MACS project at UConn (with Prof. Marten van Dijk) and the Project Silver at UNC Chapel Hill (with Prof. Michael K. Reiter). I received my Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis (with Prof. Matthew K. Franklin).

I received the best paper candidate award at the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems and proved the security of a NIST standard on ciphertext stealing. I received Maryland Innovation Award and research funding from NSF China, the Ministry of Science and Technology China, US NSF, US DoE, US DHS, Norway research council, etc.

I am one of the main inventors of many industry and production large-scale distributed systems such as:

Some BFT/permissioned blockchain systems built

ByzID (SRDS 2014, Best Paper Candidate, BFT using small trusted components)

BChain (OPODIS 2014, chain-based high-throughput BFT, used in Hyperledger Iroha, featured in Hyperledger white paper. In fact, this is the only BFT protocol that does not rely on PBFT in the Hyperledger framework.)

CBFT (SRDS 2016, BFT with confidentiality; if you want to achieve private smart contracts without using TEEs, you may be interested in the paper)

CP-BFT (DSN 2017, BFT with causal order without using threshold cryptography)

BEAT (CCS 2018, asynchronous BFT made practical; a family of five state-of-the-art asychronous BFT protocols; open-source implementation [Code] See review from Morning Paper)

EPIC (DSN 2020, asynchronous BFT with adaptive security. Prior asynchronous BFT protocols defend against static adversary, while EPIC tolerates adaptive adversary.)

PACE (CCS 2022) and WaterBear (USENIX Security 2023) are two new asynchronous BFT protocols

FIN (CCS 2023) is our latest system solving a long-standing open problem in BFT and MPC, being the first constant time information-theoretic BFT.

Recently, I am interested in building highly efficient partially synchronous BFT protocols, e.g., our DSN 2022 paper—Marlin, our Oakland 2022 Paper—Dyno, and our EuroSys 2024 paper—Dashing and Star.

I am also recently interested in designing and building distributed and cryptographic systems such as ACSS, AVSS, ADKG, and APSS, systems in synchronous settings, and MPC.


Our institute has openings for PIs, research scientists, coders, staff, postdocs, PhDs, masters, and interns.


Some Other Research and Industry Impacts

Recent conferences in which I am invovled as a PC member (please consider submitting your work!):

NDSS 2025

ACM CCS 2024

NDSS 2024

PETS 2024 PC / PoPETs 2024 Editorial Board

ICDCN 2024

ACM CCS 2023


ICICS 2023

IEEE EuroS&P 2023

Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC) 2023

NDSS 2023




ICDCS 2022

I am happy to serve as PC members and spend time in helping review papers. More importantly, I really want to advertise and promote international conferences in China, and help exchange academic ideas and advance knowledge. (The world is somewhat more disconneted due to COVID. No?:))

I am certainly biased, but I am particularly interested and committed in promoting less established but high-quality conferences in China. Doing so may help these conferences gain in popularity (e.g., by receiving more high-quality submissions), help researchers in China have more balanced research (now somewhat impacted by the CCF short list—some of those conferences not in the list, unfortunately, are ones with areas that are under-developed), and help researchers who published papers in these conferences get the recognization they deserve.